Criticize your own beliefs...... my belief in "Dont wait for an apology to forgive"... So the thing is I waNT you to criticize my belief.... Forgiveness is hard to give especially if the mistake done to you hurt you badly. Indeed it is righteous to forgive people even when they have not yet apologized. When someone wronged you, you are most likely to get angry and as each time passes this anger might consume you which might change you. Forgiveness is important whether or not someone apologized to you as it mainly concerns yourself. Forgiveness relieves you of the hurt and pain. It allows you to move on, if the person who have done you wrong hve not said sorry then you can never move on so you need to forgive no matter what. However as there are pros, there are also cons. Due to this, people might take you for granted. They will think that it is fine and wont see a need to apologise to you, which is wrong and rude. Nonetheless, it is important to forgive someone re...